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Alaska Home Insurance

If you are planning on becoming a home owner in the state of Alaska, there are a number of considerations which  should be taken into account before signing on the dotted line.

Be sure to always compare quotes before deciding on a policy. Using a FREE comparison tool such as the one at the top of this page is as easy as entering your ZIP code!

The first thing you should have taken care of is your home insurance policy.

Home Insurance Is A Must In Alaska

It is true that there is no state law in Alaska that requires a home owner to have first purchased home insurance.

However, many (if not all) realty agents and companies will not sell to a prospective home buyer who does not already have proof to show of a fully comprehensive home insurance policy.

Getting A Home Insurance Policy: Where To Begin?

Getting a comprehensive policy of home insurance isn't like signing a cell phone contract. There are responsibilities and repercussions involved which dwarf the normal contractual commitments that come with items of far lesser significance.

So, when it's time to sign the policy for your home insurance, extensive research is necessary in order to be 100 percent certain that you are getting the maximum coverage for the fairest price. In short, research is the key.

An excellent place to begin your research is the official State of Alaska Division Of Insurance website. This is the place to find all of the official details regarding the regulation of all sectors of the insurance industry in the state of Alaska, including home insurance.

While the website is forbidden by Federal law to recommend the services of any one insurance company, readers will find that it is packed with factual and very useful information.

Consider Your Home Conditions Before You Buy Insurance

When considering offers from various home insurance companies (and it is an absolute given that you should shop around before you decide), it is an excellent idea to first consider the conditions that your new home will land you in, once you have settled there.

An excellent resource for making considered decisions regarding these conditions can be found at the Alaska Division Of Insurance's page of points to consider before purchasing home insurance.

For example, the exact location you move to makes a huge difference in the total cost you will ultimately pay for home insurance. An area which is well policed and has access to plenty of amenities and emergency services will ultimately cost less to insure than one which has little or no access to these essential services.

Home Insurance Rates In Urban Vs. Rural Areas

Homeowners will pay less for home insurance if moving to a well policed, populous area of the city. More urban cities, such as Fairbanks or Juneau, have lower rates.

If you are moving into a more rural and remote area, which Alaska certainly has more than its share of, you may be taking a risk which your home insurance rates will certainly reflect. An area which has no nearby police or fire stations, or even access to nearby grocery stores and other amenities, will naturally be subject to higher home insurance rates.

If fire or police services take more than half an hour to reach your home, you will certainly pay a higher rate that reflects the relative isolation and resulting danger your home may be placed in.

The Style Of Home You Purchase Makes A Difference In Your Rates

Another key consideration is the style of home that you are planning to purchase. Were you aware that a wood framed home will usually cost much more to insure with a comprehensive policy than one that is made of bricks or modern masonry?

This is due to the hazards posed by fire, which will naturally take a higher toll on a wood built home than one that is made of stone or brick.

Chances are good that you will certainly pay a higher home insurance premium in the case of the latter than in the former.

Mix And Match Your Circumstances To Arrive At A Figure

As noted above, a newer home that is fitted with all of the modern amenities will certainly cost less to insure than an older structure that may be in need of costly repairs in order to bring it up to speed.

It's an excellent idea to mix and match your prospective circumstances in order to arrive at a realistic figure for your home insurance rates.

Neighborhood Crime Rates Affect Home Insurance Quotes

In addition, there will be still other considerations to ponder, such as the crime rate in the neighborhood you are moving into. An area that is prone to home invasion, car theft, muggings, and other types of violent crime will certainly result in higher insurance payments in every area, very much including your home insurance rates.

In the end, it really is true that "location, location, location" makes all the difference. This is true when considering your access to amenities such as gyms, grocery stores, recreation areas, restaurants, etc. And it remains the case when considering the total cost of your home insurance rates.

While a home in a crowded, crime prone, inner city area will certainly be cheaper to purchase, the truth is, you will more than pay for it in the long term. Your home insurance rates may well be exorbitant, in addition to the higher insurance premiums you will pay for auto and personal coverage.

This is something you should definitely take into consideration when planning your next home purchase.

Always Make Sure To "Shop Around"

It's an excellent idea to consult independent consumer oriented sites, such as the Better Business Bureau, as well as many other consumer review sites and blogs. Consumer oriented sites, such as the Better Business Bureau, offer excellent reviews on many different types of products and services, including home insurance companies.

Using a FREE comparison tool, such as the one below, will help you shop around with ease.

It's easy to lose sight of your real goals when reading through endless offers and promises of "easy rates", so reading unbiased reviews of the service these companies actually provide in an instance of home invasion or an "Act Of God" is an excellent remedy.

How To Avoid Insurance Fraud And Scams

The State of Alaska Division of Insurance also features regular consumer alerts that warn potential home insurance buyers against fraud and other malpractice. An excellent resource to consult is the Consumer Alerts page, which gives excellent advice on how to avoid being the victim of insurance scams.

If you feel that you are being deliberately misinformed as to the real nature of your insurance coverage or premiums, or have been the victim of fraud or scam, you can contact the contact the State of Alaska Division of Insurance in order to file a consumer complaint.

Common Sense Is The Key

In the end, simple common sense should be your ultimate guide when deciding which home insurance policy you should choose. You will need to compare and contrast all of the various offers you receive from different companies.

In addition, as described above, you should weigh all of the various factors that will influence the ultimate cost of your home insurance policy.

Use Our Handy Zip Code Search For Home Insurance Companies

One of the fastest and most reliable methods of comparing the services, as well as the ultimate costs, of different home insurance providers is to use our FREE comparison search function.

Enter your ZIP code below to get started!

You can use this feature to look up various home insurance companies in your zip code, in order to get a more precise idea of what is being offered in the area you will soon be moving to. This is an excellent way to get better acquainted with the services that are available to you.

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